Quick Facts


Area 250,000 sq mi (647,500 sq km) about the size of Texas
Land boundaries North: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan Northeast: China South and East: Pakistan West: Iran
Climate Arid to semi arid, hot summers and cold winters.
 Landscape The Hindu Kush mountain range splits the landlocked country along a north-south divide, rising in the east to heights of 24,000 ft. in the Wakhan corridor.  The capital, Kabul, lies in the southern foothills. With the exception of the southwest, most of the country is covered by high snow-capped mountains and is traversed by deep valleys.
Arable land 12.13%



  Afghanistan As compared to United States
Population  31,844,48 (July 2014 est) CIA Wold Factbook 318,892,103
Infant Mortality rate Babies who die before their 1st birthday CIA World Factbook
117 deaths/1,000 (highest in the world, est 2014) 6/1000
Child Mortality rate (under age 5) UNICEF 2013 97/1000 (2nd highest world) 6.7/1000
Life expectancy
CIA World Factbook
50.5 years old 78 years old
Median Age  64% of population is younger than this age 18 years  40 years
Total Fertility Rate  Average children born per woman CIA World Factbook
5.43 children 2.06 children
Live in rural areas 77% 18%
Ethnic groups Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Hazara 9%, Uzbek 9%, Aimak 4%, Turkmen 3%, Baloch 2%, other 4%
Religions Sunni Muslim 80%, Shi’a Muslim 19%, other 1%
Languages Dari (Afghan Persian) 50%, Pashtu  35% (both official), other Turkic and minor languages
Internally Displaced Persons (2014) 574,327



Literacy rate  % of pop above age 15 that can read and write UNICEF 2013 est. 61.9% 
male   32.1% female
Attend Primary School UNICEF 2013 64.4% male  48.3% female
Attend Secondary School  UNICEF 2013 42% male  23% female

Child Labor and Marriage

Child Labor      UNICEF 2013 11% 
male   9.6% female
Married by 15  UNICEF 2013 15% total population
Married by 18  UNICEF 2013  40.4 % total population

Government and Economy

President Ashraf Ghani
Independence 19 August 1919 (from UK control over Afghan foreign affairs)
Constitution New constitution signed 16th January 2004
GDP per capita
CIA World Factbook
$1,100 (2013 est.)
Monetary unit Afghani

 *Unless otherwise noted, source is CIA World Factbook Dec 2014

Map of projects

Unfortunate Distinctions—Reasons to Help

These facts define the Afghanistan of yesterday; our collective efforts shape the Afghanistan of tomorrow.

The following facts are important issues to remember as the country continues to realize tangible progress every month thanks to ongoing support by donors like you. We can help Afghans rebuild their lives and country.

  • Top 10 Most Dangerous Country List

2,412 civilian casualties in 2009 (Forbe’s Magazine 2010)

  • World’s Highest Maternal Mortality Rate

18,000 deaths/year (UNICEF 2013)

  • World’s 2nd Worst Place to be Born

Source: UNICEF (2013)

  •  World’s Largest Refugee Population

2,887,123 refugees in 2010 (UNHCR 2013)

  • Population Below Poverty Line

36% (2008/09) (CIA World Factbook)

  •  World’s 2nd Least Developed Country

Source: United Nations Development Index (2009)

  •  The 4th Most Landmines on Earth

10,000 mines, 10-12 deaths/day (UNICEF 2013)

  • In the Top 20 of Lowest Human Rights

Source: Freedom House (2010)   (all from Noshaq)


2014 UNHCR Country Operations and Profile

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