What’s Happening at TIE?
Nov. 10, Sunday : Rice Packing PartyNote: We’ll pack until we’re done, but not past 3:00 pm! Did you know you can take BART, and walk just 2 blocks to the warehouse? Bring a book to read on the ride, or better yet .. bring 2 or 3 friends along!! Stay as long as you can.
Experience the wonderful feeling that is created when one engages in Selfless Service! Nov. 12 – Dec. 13 : Afghan Students’ Art ExhibitLafayette Library 3491 Mt. Diablo Boulevard Lafayette
Come see incredible drawings depicting the children’s longing for Peace and their belief in Education as the key. The pieces in this exhibit are part of an art exchange between American students and Afghan students.
The exhibit will run for several months from November 12, 2013 to January 13, 2014. The library gallery is open every Monday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and during public events in the Community Hall.