Tag Archives: trust in education

Why TIE?

Lalander class_girls closeup

I’ve often wondered why people contribute their time and money to Trust in Education. There’s no shortage of worthy organizations and causes.  I know why I’m here. Been there, seen the conditions and now know the history of our involvement in Afghanistan. These proved life altering. Cheryl Bowlan volunteered to pose “the why question” and videotape responses.They […]

Small Stuff – Can Mean So Much

Thank you WCI

 Ms. Krug and Walnut Creek Intermediate School     Shortly before I left for Kabul mid October, I had the pleasure of giving a talk to Julie Krug’s class at Walnut Creek Intermediate School. I arrived early and was able to watch her teach French.     Her students all had white erase boards with dry markers […]

Julianne Moore, Alan Cumming and TIE Endorse Gender Equality

Julianne Moore

In 2013, Jill Humphries conducted several filmed interviews inside an Afghan shelter for women.  Her films led to the production of an online video narrated by Dan Rather, called “ Spirit Indestructible“…that everyone should watch. TIE is currently assisting Jill in finding sources for medical supplies to be used in a medical clinic she and […]

Improving Their Future One Child at a Time

boys water well

Qualified Female Teachers in Short Supply Eight years ago it was impossible to find a qualified female teacher willing to teach in Lalander, the first village where TIE financed the construction of a school. Many families in Lalander would not allow their daughters to be taught by a man. Most were also afraid to let […]

Corruption and Waste Under Attack – 2014


When President Obama announced the decision to “draw down” troops from Afghanistan I was often asked what I thought would happen to Afghanistan. My response remained the same. Three factors impacting the future of Afghanistan     First, what happens in Pakistan. The fighting inside Afghanistan will never cease as long as the Taliban are supported, […]


Gender Equality composite photo

In October of 2012, the world was deeply saddened and outraged to learn of the shooting of a young girl in Pakistan.  Malala Yousofzai, age 14, was shot by a Taliban-gunman while riding home on a school bus. A planned assassination attempt on her life occurred because she publicly advocated that girls be allowed to […]

Budd MacKenzie Honored by Dalai Lama on Feb. 23rd

Budd MacKenzie, a Lafayette resident, chosen one of 51 ‘Unsung Heroes of Compassion’, honored by the Dalai Lama on Feb. 23rd In 1999, during a private audience with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, Dick Grace of Grace Family Foundation shared the kernel of an idea he was formulating: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could […]

Education Sponsorship Program

Since 2009 Trust In Education has provided an opportunity for individuals and schools to sponsor students in Afghanistan. Life is extremely difficult for many of these children. In all cases the families are very poor, and many of these children were previously working on the streets to help support their families. Through the sponsorship of […]

Highlights of 2013

First day at new school - Kabul

A TIME TO REFLECT ON CHANGES WE’VE MADE TOGETHER        Mir Hussain is blind                  Zohra and Lailee embrace a brighter future   Just a few years ago, Mir, Zohra and Lailee were “street children” working on the streets of Kabul. They just completed their first year of college. […]

300,000 Meals Begin Their Journey

family of rice packers

On Sunday, November 10th, joined by around 55 volunteers, we packed 33,336 packages of rice  =  200,016 meals in less than 4 hours! You got the job done! The atmosphere in the warehouse was upbeat, and it was a joy watching the elementary and middle school kids happily banging lids onto the buckets of rice […]