Tag Archives: girls and education

Julianne Moore, Alan Cumming and TIE Endorse Gender Equality

Julianne Moore

In 2013, Jill Humphries conducted several filmed interviews inside an Afghan shelter for women.  Her films led to the production of an online video narrated by Dan Rather, called “ Spirit Indestructible“…that everyone should watch. TIE is currently assisting Jill in finding sources for medical supplies to be used in a medical clinic she and […]

Budd MacKenzie Honored by Dalai Lama on Feb. 23rd

Budd MacKenzie, a Lafayette resident, chosen one of 51 ‘Unsung Heroes of Compassion’, honored by the Dalai Lama on Feb. 23rd In 1999, during a private audience with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, Dick Grace of Grace Family Foundation shared the kernel of an idea he was formulating: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could […]

300,000 Meals Begin Their Journey

family of rice packers

On Sunday, November 10th, joined by around 55 volunteers, we packed 33,336 packages of rice  =  200,016 meals in less than 4 hours! You got the job done! The atmosphere in the warehouse was upbeat, and it was a joy watching the elementary and middle school kids happily banging lids onto the buckets of rice […]

Zero Option – NOT an Option for TIE

rice distribution wahid2

 The news from and about Afghanistan continues to be troubling. Jack Howell brought me the most recent “bad news” article written by Joel Brinkley, recently published in the San Francisco Chronicle, entitled “Greedy Karzai risks U.S. triggering the “zero option”. Long time no report. My apologies. I’ve been in Montana vegging. No, not eating them, […]