Tag Archives: education for girls

Why TIE?

Lalander class_girls closeup

I’ve often wondered why people contribute their time and money to Trust in Education. There’s no shortage of worthy organizations and causes.  I know why I’m here. Been there, seen the conditions and now know the history of our involvement in Afghanistan. These proved life altering. Cheryl Bowlan volunteered to pose “the why question” and videotape responses.They […]

Small Stuff – Can Mean So Much

Thank you WCI

 Ms. Krug and Walnut Creek Intermediate School     Shortly before I left for Kabul mid October, I had the pleasure of giving a talk to Julie Krug’s class at Walnut Creek Intermediate School. I arrived early and was able to watch her teach French.     Her students all had white erase boards with dry markers […]

When School is Out — Classes are Becoming “In”

clothing distr 06 2014

     Afghan children attend public schools no more than four hours a day six days a week. There are two school sessions, morning and afternoon. A teacher is required to teach only one session.     Teachers can therefore teach before and after school classes, provided there is a room. For several years we have been […]

Improving Their Future One Child at a Time

boys water well

Qualified Female Teachers in Short Supply Eight years ago it was impossible to find a qualified female teacher willing to teach in Lalander, the first village where TIE financed the construction of a school. Many families in Lalander would not allow their daughters to be taught by a man. Most were also afraid to let […]

Education Sponsorship Program

Since 2009 Trust In Education has provided an opportunity for individuals and schools to sponsor students in Afghanistan. Life is extremely difficult for many of these children. In all cases the families are very poor, and many of these children were previously working on the streets to help support their families. Through the sponsorship of […]