Archive by Author

Setbacks and Progress, Part 2….August 24, 2011

One of our computer classes was burglarized a couple of weeks ago.  Fortunately we had enough computers to replace the computers. We must, however, buy flat screen monitors. When people upgrade their computers, they hang on to their monitors. We’re always in search of flat screen monitors, should you decide to upgrade yours. BEFORE THE […]

Setbacks and Progress, Part 1….August 17, 2011

Zohra, not to be denied

From our most recent newsletter: TIE’s recent setbacks are minor. Its recent new undertakings are having major impact. Some of both are reported below.  The time/progress graph will never have a straight line.   The gratifying news in these uncertain times is that we are not being forced to downsize. At least, not yet. Continue to enlist […]

Nelab becomes first in her class…August 15, 2011

Nelab with her brother, mother and sister

Nelab, one of the street children sponsored by Trust in Education, has become first in her class!  She is very hard working and intelligent. Nelab’s brother is mentally ill and needs regular treatment. Her mother washes the neighbors’ clothes to support her family.   Nelab said, “If my father was alive, my family wouldn’t face […]

Schools in Afghanistan safer places to be….July 13, 2011

Despite the attack on the dome at Zohra’s school site, in general there seems to be fewer attacks on schools this year, according to the New York Times (See Filling Classes With Learning, Not Fears).   The Times also repeated a report that we have heard elsewhere: Mullah Muhammad Omar, one of the primary spiritual leaders […]

Latest News….Thanks for the Swim!…June 29, 2011

Patti Bauernfeind made it about halfway in her attempt to swim across Monterey Bay before stings from jellyfish forced her to stop. Patti’s amazing persistence, even against amazing odds, are an inspiration to us all.  The girls in Afghanistan who will benefit from Patti’s fundraising efforts have so many obstacles to overcome to obtain an […]

Latest News: The Big Swim….June 26, 2011

On Tuesday, Patti Bauernfeind will be making the big swim: swimming the 23 miles across Monterey Bay to help raise $10,000 for Trust in Education.   Patti is an inspiration to us all in her courage and persistance. Thank you, Patti! And thanks to all her family and friends who are supporting her.  The children of Afghanistan […]