Here are a few of the children that TIE supporters sponsor …

Humaira with her father and brother
One of our top students who has been sponsored since the Education Sponsorship Program began in 2009 is Humaira, a 14 year old female student now in the 8th grade. She has nine other siblings, some of whom must work to help support the family. She ranks in the top 25% of her class and has her sights on studying political science and law at the university and to become a “productive citizen” in Afghanistan. She is a well-rounded young woman who not only applies herself academically but who also enjoys soccer and volleyball. That Humaira is posing in this photograph with her father very likely means that she has his support to go to school, very significant in a country where many girls do not have their male guardian’s support and therefore are not able to finish school.
Latifa, age 15 and now in the 11th grade, knows hardship, but she
still earns grades that position her in the top 25% of her class. Her father is a laborer supporting his eight children and two elderly parents who all live together. In fact, one of her brothers must also work to help support the family. In a recent letter she informed us that her family does not have a home of their own and they move frequently; despite the lack of security and stability she continues to do well in school. She understands her incredible luck to have a sponsor here in the US and expresses sincere gratitude in all her letters. Like many young people who have the good fortune to get an education in Afghanistan, Latifa, too, would like help her country and people after finishing her studies to becoming a medical doctor.
Ramish is a young man who desires to help Afghanistan become a peaceful country so other children can go to school “without the worries they have now.” A top student, age 15 and in the 8th grade Ramish began his sponsorship with us back in 2009. Before then Ramish ended his studies at noon every day to collect wood and paper for his family’s cooking fire. His father sells vegetables in Kabul where the family lives, but clearly sees the value of educating his children. Ramish has two sisters and four brothers, and they are all students. Ramish writes that he loves math and Dari as well as to exercise and play games. Like Latifa above, he, too, wants to become a medical doctor so that he can give back to his country.
Despite some serious health issues that cause Moshtaba to struggle to keep up with his studies, this hard working and intelligent young man finished 8th grade in the top 20% of his class last year. The eldest of 10 children there is a great deal of pressure on Moshtaba to do well in school for the sake of the entire family. Typical of many Afghan families his father is much older than his mother and no longer works as a result of war injuries. Before becoming a full time student through his sponsorship, Moshtaba sold chewing gum on the streets. In a recent letter to his sponsor Moshtaba wrote the most touching words,”I appreciate your assistance. Your generosity is bigger than the world itself.” His favorite subjects are Dari, the Quran and mathematics, but we also know a little more personal information about him: “ My favorite foods are rice and macaroni. My favorite color is blue. I like to read a lot.”
That’s 4 of the 72, each special in his/her own way.
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