Our Work

Over the past ten years, Trust in Education has expanded from one school of 120 children, to supporting classes in 10 villages that in 2010 helped educate more than 1,250 children.

We have worked with the villagers to jointly prioritize their other needs, funding economic development projects and other wish list items, so they can better support their families.

We have found sponsors for approximately 80 street children, and we have helped some of the poorest Afghan families have food on the table and clothes on their backs. We have instituted pilot projects such as microcredit financing and solar ovens.   We have supported improved health care, both through direct care and through providing supplies to hospitals.

And we have a “play strategy” which supports playgrounds and soccer programs, both to improve school attendance and because we recognize how important it is to incorporate fun into a child’s day.

Through it all, we have served as a messenger between Americans and Afghans, tying them both together with a vision for a brighter future.

For more information about our work in Afghanistan, click on the links:



Street Children

Economic Development and Wish List projects

From Our Home to Theirs

Solar Cooking


Health Care

The Messenger

One Response to “Our Work”

  1. RachelMarch 5, 2014 at 3:56 am #

    Its great to see that even in today’s age such organizations exist that work for betterment of the deprived and to some extend forgotten. I am a research analyst and currently working on an educational based research that explains impact of online education in UAE.

    I respect organizations like “Trust in Education” and will be glad if I can have some stories which I can publish in my blogs like http://rachel-patton-7393.skyrock.com/3209931201-Will-MOOC-Replace-Physical-Universities.html

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