Sponsor an Afghan Family

In November 2021 CNN reported on an Afghan family selling their 9 year old daughter to a 55 year old man for $2,000. (Watch the CNN Report Here). Until then TIE’s focus had been on education in keeping Lao Tzu’s proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. There are times when people need a fish more than a lesson. That time is now for millions of families in Afghanistan.
 We’d already had a very successful sponsorship program for children working on the streets of Kabul (Student Sponsorship Program). We decided to try to do the same for families. It’s proving to be as successful.  Our program director in Kabul interviews families, sends photos of those he recommends along with their profile.
The profiles are troubling. Most live in one room with no electricity, bathroom or running water and pay between $20 – $30 a month for rent. The men who are able to generate income earn between $2 and $4 a day. Most women care for their children and can’t work.  Those who can clean homes and earn $1 – $2 a day.  Into their world sponsors provide $100 a month for a year. $100 is enough to feed a family of four for a month.  Several have been able to start businesses. One started a recycling business, another made jackets, a third created a nursery that sells flowers and plants, a fourth sells bird seed, and a fifth repairs shoes and sandals on the streets of Kabul. 

 Sponsors are asked to contribute either $600 for half the year or $1200 for the entire year. Most have elected to pay for the entire year. Contributions are deductible. The sponsorship program is revenue neutral for TIE. One hundred percent of what’s contributed goes to the families. Fortunately we have enough general contributions to make that possible.
To date 93 families have been sponsored, consisting of 246 children and 138 adults.  That’s 384 people who haven’t had to worry about having a place to live and food to eat since their sponsorship began.  Some are into their second year.
We asked our program director to prioritize families headed by widows, the most vulnerable of all. Forty six of the ninety three families are headed by widows. Two of the families don’t have parents. Young girls are taking care of their siblings.  

How Does it Work?

First  you decide to sponsor and send the funds. Then you will be sent pictures of a family with their profile for your approval. So far everyone has approved the family sent to them. The profiles have all been compelling. But, you have the ability to ask for another until you approve.
Every month we send money to our program director, which includes $100 for every sponsored family. He delivers a $100 bill to each sponsored family and sends us a family photo with someone in the family holding the bill. We in turn send it to you. Every sponsored family provides a phone number should you wish to talk to them.
We’ve been asked by sponsors if they can send more. We’re just an intermediary between the compassionate and those in need. So, of course, the answer is yes.

Ready to be matched with a Family?

Download an Application to provide us with your information

Send Applications and Payments to:
Trust in Education
985 Moraga Rd. Ste.207
Lafayette, CA 94549

Sending sponsorship payments with TIE’s PayPal Giving Fund: https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1624160 is a secure way to use your credit card without any additional transaction fees